PURPOSE: A Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator,
or TENS, unit is designed to relive post-operative, acute
and chronic pain. It is used for pain caused by peripheral
nerves and not central. TENS units are prescription-only
OPERATION: TENS units work in a couple of ways. The first
way they are thought to work is by a method called the Gate
Theory. The Gate Theory states that our brains can only
handle one stimulus at a time. When you have chronic pain,
this pain signal is constantly being sent to our brains and
recognized as pain. When an electrical stimulus is added to
the area of pain, this electrical stimulus is felt by the
body and since the brain can only handle one thing at a
time, the pain is not transmitted to the brain.
The second method thought to be part
of TENS units success is by way of stimulating our own
bodies to release its own natural pain killers. TENS units
do not work for everyone and results may vary. Always follow
the instructions and warnings in your user manual.
How the TENS Pain
Control Units Work
Pain is the body's warning system.
It is a way of letting an individual know that something is
wrong. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulations (TENS)
is a safe non-invasive drug-free method of pain management.
It relieves pain by sending small electrical impulses
through electrodes placed on the skin to underlying nerve
fibers. TENS is believed to work by two different
mechanisms. First, electrical stimulation of the nerve
fibers can block a pain signal from being carried to the
brain. If the signal is blocked, pain is not perceived.
Secondly, the body has its own mechanism for suppressing
pain. It does this by releasing natural chemicals called
endorphins in the brain which act as analgesics. TENS may
activate this mechanism. By effectively managing pain
without drugs, TENS allows many people with chronic pain
conditions to resume daily activity.
You can not strain or sprain your muscles by overworking
them with your electronic muscle stimulator system because
the feeling is more like a pleasant tingling sensation than
a shock or jolt.
However, the following should not use electronic muscle
stimulators (EMS):
- If you are pregnant
- If you use a pace maker
- If you have metal plates or
- If you have diabetes
- If you have an abnormally high
blood pressure
Just as with starting any new
exercise program, if in doubt, consult your
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